Special message: |
ITony makes repetitive use of certain phrases and actions in his extensive video catalogue. This is a collection of particularly notable/funny ones.
- Alexa, what time is it? Alexa, what's the date?- A common phrase Tony uses to start videos with[1]
- Attempts of murder- An accusation Tony often levies against Satellite Controllers
- Burning-
- Court/You better step into court-
- Eliot Ness-
- How are ya guys doin/ How ya guys doin-
- In Reference To- Another common phrase Tony uses to start videos with[2]
- Lawls- Tony's royal pronunciation of laws, something Satellite Controllers and government officials often break to harass him
- Laws of Eliot Ness/Uncle Sam-
- Lots of things of importance-
- Never sold, never gave, not never, not ever-
- Psycho(s) - A term Tony will use referring to the Satellite Controllers
- Said Hello- Tony often randomly interrupts himself to inform the camera that someone has said hello, this can range from celebrities, government officials, and even the Cheesecake Factory in California[3]
- Schizo(s)- A term Tony will use referring to the Satellite Controllers
- Someone Just Communicated- Similar to "Said Hello", but the messages communicated are often unfriendly
- Smacking-
- They're Hitting/Burning me- Another common crime of Satellite Controllers
- This is very important-
- That satellite man-
- Uncle Sam-
- Zap/Zapped/Zapping-
Physical Tonyisms
- This category of Tonyisms relates to something he physically does instead of saying them.
- Pointing/Hitting the camera
- Flex in the camera (This was mostly notable during the Hot Tub Saga)
- Showing off his little button nose by getting close to the camera
- He will show off his stomach/legs/feet/body in general
- He will often wear hats and then wear them backwards (This is very notable in reference to the Red Visor Saga)